Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the policy that JL Lab Blog (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) will follow when handling personal information or similar information of visitors (hereinafter referred to as “visitors”) to this site in the course of various services (such as providing information on this site and receiving various types of inquiries).

Basic policy

This site recognizes the importance of personal information and considers the protection of personal information to be a social responsibility. Information collected on this site will be handled appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use.

Range of application

This Privacy Policy applies only to this Site.

Purpose of obtaining and using personal information

The personal information of visitors and the purpose of use, storage period, etc. obtained from this site are as follows.

Personal information of visitors to be obtained

  • We collect personal information when you leave a comment
    This site obtains the following personal information when visitors leave comments on this site.
    ・Name (handle name) displayed on the comment form
    ・E-mail address displayed in the comment form
    ・Comment content displayed in the comment form
    ・Site name displayed in the comment form (optional)
    ・IP address
    ・Browser User Agent String This will automatically display the “name” and “email address” the next time you leave a comment, saving you the trouble of re-typing them.
    An anonymized string (also known as a “hash”) created from the email address may be provided to the service to determine if the visitor is using the Gravatar service. To review the privacy policy of the service, please click here.
  • Personal Information Collected by Cookies
    This site may send cookies to visitors’ computers. cookies are a mechanism that stores information such as usage history and input content sent and received between a browser and a server as a file on the visitor’s computer when using a website.

Purpose of Use

  • Retention period of personal information obtained when leaving comments
    Comments left on this site, comments and their metadata will be stored for three years.
    Visitors may choose to save their personal information in their browsers.
    When leaving a comment on this site, visitors can choose whether or not to save their name (handle name), e-mail address, and site information (optional) in their browser.
  • Duration of storage of personal information obtained by cookies
    Cookies for comments left on this site are stored for one year.

Delivery of Ads and Acquisition of Cookie Information by Third Parties

This Site may display advertisements distributed by third parties, including Google Adsense, and in connection therewith, such third parties may acquire and use cookie information of visitors.

This site is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for sites to earn referral fees by promoting and linking to “”.

This site uses Rakuten Affiliate Marketing, which allows you to earn referral commissions by introducing products handled by Rakuten.

This site uses the Aliexpress Affiliate Program, which allows you to earn referral fees by introducing products handled by Aliexpress.

Regarding access analysis, this site uses “Google Analytics” by Google. This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. Traffic data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you; Google Analytics cookies are retained for 26 months. This feature can be disabled by disabling cookies, please check your browser settings to refuse collection.

Cookie information, etc. obtained by such third parties will be handled in accordance with the terms of use and privacy policy of such third parties.

Management of personal information

This site will ensure the following with respect to the management of information provided by visitors

  • Ensuring Accuracy of Information
    We will always strive to ensure that the information provided by visitors is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Security Control Measures
    This site protects personal information by implementing appropriate security measures to prevent leakage, loss, or destruction of personal information.
  • Disposal of Personal Information
    When personal information is no longer needed, we promptly dispose of it.

Disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information

If a visitor requests disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of his/her personal information, we will promptly respond to the request after confirming the identity of the visitor.

Except in the following cases, personal information provided by visitors will not be disclosed to third parties without the visitor’s permission.

  • When the visitor has given his/her consent
  • When there is a formal written request for cooperation or inquiry from a person who is legally authorized to inquire
  • When disclosed to a financial institution or other entity that settles or acts on behalf of a financial institution or other entity that settles or acts on behalf of a financial institution in order to provide services to a visitor

Personal Information of Minors

Minors who make comments or inquiries on this site must obtain the consent of a person with parental authority, and we consider that the parental authority has agreed to this Privacy Policy at the time the comment or inquiry is made.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We will endeavor to improve our privacy policy as necessary. The revised and updated Privacy Policy will always be available on this page.

Priority application of the Japanese version of the policy

The original text of this Privacy Policy is written in Japanese. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version and the Japanese version, the Japanese original shall prevail.

2021/11/03 decision